An online programme designed to take you from tired, bloated and uncomfortable in your own skin to confident, happy and THRIVING

This is for you if:

  • You are going through the menopause and struggling with your weight or other menopause symptoms.

  • You are suffering with bloating or digestive issues.

  • Are fed up with eating less and less and not seeing the results you want.

  • You want clear, glowing, radiant skin.

How do I know how you're feeling?


I spent most of my 20s suffering with skin issues, uncomfortable bloating, low energy and hormone imbalances. I struggled with my weight and constantly restricted calories to just try and feel comfortable in my own skin. At the time, I had no idea that my diet was playing a huge role. I was eating ‘healthy’ or so I thought and it wasn’t until I trained as a Nutritionist that I could see where I was going wrong.

I wish I had a program like this to follow back then as it would have saved me years of feeling uncomfortable in myself. I see so many women making the mistakes that I made, especially as they enter the menopause…thinking they are doing everything right, and ending up frustrated when they don’t get the results they want.

I was put on this planet to help women like you uncover the truths of health and happiness.

Everything you need to...

  • Feel confident in your body again.

  • Relieve the bloat that makes you hate wearing anything tight.

  • Learn how to look after your body for life.

  • Feel supported and not alone in this journey.

  • Have clearer, younger, more radiant skin without spending all your money on lotions and potions.

  • Enjoy food again.

Don't just take my word for it...

See what some of my clients are saying!

I was feeling quite low to be honest, struggling with weight loss, lack of motivation to exercise and very poor sleep! I started on the Thrive with Sarah hoping to help with hormonal changes with diet & supplements and this led me to learn about gut health & how my stress levels along with poor dietary choices and lack of protein at every meal were contributing to my lethargy which caused broken sleep.

Within the 30 days I am now back in the gym at 6am, I've lost 5lbs with a healthy diet and I am having 8 hours of unbroken sleep! I feel happier & full of energy and keen to learn more about nutrition.

I felt very low and frankly felt like I was going insane. Quite literally, everything I ate bloated me. Even though I was eating "healthy" and training every day, I was putting on weight hand over foot. I went to the doctors only to be told that my bloods were fine and there was nothing wrong with me. I saw Sarah on tiktok and all the thing she spoke about I suffered from and could relate to. So I reached out. I have learnt that I was not crazy after all and that I had an underlying health issue with my thyroid - thanks to some persistent questions and tests for my gp as directed by Sarah, my gut health was not great and my hormones were all over the place even though I was on HRT.

Now I have lost 4kg despite the thyroid issue, I bloat less and feel lighter....I am still in a learning process and whilst the changes have been very hard to make, I now know I am on the right path x

I started this programme after being at the point of burnout. My moods were low, my digestion was erratic, I was uncomfortable im my body and how I looked and I never

This programme showed me what was missing in my life. Far more than I could have imagined. Not only do I love cooking now and playing around with different meals, my teen sons are benefitting from my new found knowledge too!

I have way more energy which has increased my passion for my job. Physically it's another level that only those who have done it know how it feels.

Menopause, brain fog, hormones & bad eating habits from recent grief and lockdown were my main reasons for chatting to Sarah Law. We met in Portugal last year and she helped me get back on track! It was definitely time for a change!

I'm feeling loads better, have more energy and have a healthy eating plan that I stick to...mostly!

Huge thanks to Sarah Law with her amazing & extensive knowledge on gut health, healthy eating and skincare. Don't hesitate in reaching out to her to do the programme.

Find Your Programme

Each Set Below Includes:

  • LIFETIME access to the Thrive App - created by myself, 2 Drs, a Mindset Coach & a Personal Trainer

  • A 1-1 consultation with me - we will asses your goals & I will help you know exactly what is necessary for you to reach them

  • Hundreds of recipes, shopping lists, portion guides, cheat sheets & supplement advice

  • On Demand home based workouts including Pilates, HIIT, Breathwork, lean muscle building plans & yoga, created by fitness professionals

  • FREE Access to the BeWell Members Club - a wellness collective with free daily mindset coaching

  • A 4 week educational course on gut health, blood sugar regulation, toxicity & mindset

  • Full accountability & an amazing community to keep you on track

  • Stress management tools & nervous system support

  • A women's resources section helping you understand how to support your hormones

  • 1-1 coaching with weekly zoom checkins and support (*GOLD PACKAGE ONLY*)

  • A supplement stack to support gut health, hormone balance, energy, detoxification & mood

Healthy Habits


Most Popular

  • 1x FeelFit/Simply1 plant based protein

  • 1x Ginseng Energy Fizz Sticks

  • 1x CleanTox Herbal Tea

  • 1x GutHealth Digestion & Microbiome Support

Green Gut Glow


3 in 1 Glwo Drink

  • 1x BeWell Superfood Greens

  • 1x Skin Elixir Collagen Builder

  • 1x GutHealth Digestion & Microbiome Support

Choose one another option:

  • FeelFit/Simply1 plant based protein

  • Ginseng Energy Fizz Sticks

  • CleanTox Gentle Cleanse

  • Inner Calm Adaptogenic De-Stress Powder

  • Mind Health Focus Super Powder

  • Any TrueSport workout supplement

30 Days to Healthy Living


Full reset

  • 2x FeelFit/Simply1 plant based protein

  • 2x Ginseng Energy Fizz Sticks

  • 2x CleanTox Herbal Tea

  • 1x GutHealth Digestion & Microbiome Support

Choose 2 out of 3:

  • CleanTox Gentle Cleanse

  • GutHealth Prebiotic Fibre

  • BeWell Superfood Greens

  • Inner Calm Adaptogenic De-Stress Powder (US only)

Custom Selection


Most Popular

A fully customised supplement regime with 4 or more supplements.

Please speak to me for more info.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have food intolerances/preferences - can I still do the programme?

Totally fine, the program is designed to be suitable for vegans/meat eaters, and all recipes are gluten free and dairy free. Any other intolerances or preferences will be catered for to ensure you are eating foods you enjoy!

What if I don’t get the results I want?

We are so confident that you will see results that I will give you a FULL REFUND up to 90 days after your purchase, no questions asked.  

Does it involve cutting carbs?

Absolutely not! We provide you with lists of the best carbs to eat and the kinds of portion sizes that will suit your goals. No macronutrient is banned in this program. 

Do I have to count calories, syns or points?

No, this is not a point style diet. This is a program that is there to help you know how to eat for the rest of your life. You are provided with tools to help you know how and what to eat for life. 

Am I going to be hungry?

No – this is not about eating less, it is about eating right. In fact for most women who come into the program, we encourage them to eat more to fuel up their metabolism and support their hormones. 

© 2024 Sarah Law. All Rights Reserved.